Ct.js forum rules
- Don't be nasty. Be kind to others.
- We don't accept racism, sexism, Linux/Windows and Google/Apple holywars, or other kinds of discrimination.
- Witch-hunting is disrespected, too: don't generate more hate aiming at the one that already has spread the hate. It is no better and doesn't make you a better person.
- Don't aggressively advertise anything.
- Don't post NSFW content. We have kids here.
- As it is an international server, English is its main and preferred language. If you struggle with English, do use Google Translate or something similar. There is nothing wrong with using it: it is a privilege to use contemporary tools to connect with people from all over the world 💅 💃 💪
Multiple rule violations will result in account suspension, meaning that you won't be able to post new discussions or replies. Mods have the right to edit or remove your messages if they think they need to.
Mods are hooman beings, too. If you see a case of double standards or don't agree with mods' actions, or a mod/admin made something against these rules, describe your issue at the Private support tag — except for admins, only you can see the discussions you've posted here.