Say hi!
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Hey everyone I'm Alex!
I started getting into game dev when I wanted to find a good balance between programming and being creative As well as making games I also love teaching how to make them! My current obsession is adding multiplayer support to ct.js using Nakama and creating a Youtube series explaining how to use it.
I love story driven games that are mixed with co-op or multiplayer - they can be hard to get right!
And of course, the answer to life, the universe and everything, is 42!
Hope to you see you around the forums!
Let me tell you a bit about myself, too.
- My game dev journey started eons ago; I started making point-and-click games in KoolMoves (a simpler Flash game/animation editor) when I was just 7. Much later, I found YoYo Game Maker, when I was 10 or so. Then I was making games in Deep Creator (3D engine, also known as Esperient Creator or Space Creator), then YoYo Game maker again, then Tululoo game maker, then UE4, then I began making my own engine, and here I am now.
- My true hobby is creating software products. I also draw and compose music, but rarely β software is always my main focus.
- My favorite game genres are management games with deep economy and survival mechanics and slashers. Yea.
- The answer is, apparently, sausage.
Greetings and gratitude for developing ct.js, Comigo.
Just downloaded the latest version and will be exploring the dev environment over the summer months.
I've been running through game engines since the early 2000s. I've settled on 2D for game development. Used Construct for a long time then decided to move on after they ported over to an exclusive browser-based system. My license for Buildbox just ended last month. So I was searching for the next one and made a choice between Godot and ct.js.
What primarily attracted me to this engine was the Dragonbones integration. I was an animator before I learned to code.
I'll be focusing on remaking a game I released in 2017 called Popup21 ( I've got new character ideas and with the Dragonbones integration I should be able to incorporate much more attractive motion. Plus the ability to use other JS libraries is a feature I just couldn't resist. Might implement a payment system using Monero as the settlement system.
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Hi brothers and sisters of the game development world!
There is really no point in time when i got into game development, i have always loved games and tech in general, so due to that as time passed by i started learning tools (mostly opensource) that are used in game development without even knowing it. At one point in time i started a youtube rabbit hole into how are games made and game development, and i started noticing that i already knew tools in which to do this things, with exception of one, game engines.. After a while of researching, and trying different game engines, i have landed on ct.js, which is my favorite game engine, it has near perfect, if not perfect workflow, and i just fell in love with this tool. So far i have only done game jams, but soon i will start my first serious project, and im excited about it! Of course, it will be made in ct.js
Im also into music making, i play guitar, piano and drums and with that is enough for me to be able to compose something of acceptable quality xD and i enjoy doing so, although 100% of my pieces are private and for my enjoys, soon i will also start sharing some of my tracks into public domain
I love opensource software, and as of now all my work flows are done with opensource software.
Long live FOSS!!!!
Im also addicted to speed, and therefore i have a guilty pleasure, i name her: Β¨Ginger"
Its my red Yamaha FZS xD
The games genera that i enjoy the most are simulators, but i play all kinds of games, can it be played in Linux? then ill play it! if not then i dont care and im not interested, because: Btw, i use Arch. xD
And as for the one million bitcoins question, the answer to everything is: NOTHING
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Hi All!
- My game dev journey started late in life. I'm a product designer who always did comic strips as a hobby. But over the years I've found making games combine my 3 favorite things: Illustration, design and programming. I built my most-recent game with Pico 8 which was a pure pleasure. But 128x128 pixels really is limiting to work with, so I was delighted to find ctjs which is not limited in that regard, and also really makes sense to me as an approach to a framework.
- My hobbies and skills include my comic strip and I also enjoy tinkering with retro computing (very much looking forward to the release of the CommanderX16) and microcontrollers (just got my Raspberry Pi Pico which I've started coding in MicroPython).
- Being a child of the 80s, I am most drawn to arcade-style games like platformers and side-scrolling shooters and beat-em-ups. (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is an example style I gravitate to).
- The meaning of life is "Be excellent to each other."
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@CoMiGo You shouldn't be envious. I've been finding ctjs extremely pleasant to use. I've tried other frameworks (like Phaser) and I always find myself fighting to understand the mental model, which is so often too prescriptive. Not so with your creation!
Why Pico 8? In short, it's about embracing constraints.
Because Pico 8 has such limited real estate, limited "tokens" (defined as each value or expression), small memory size, succinct API, and simple language (Lua), it forces you to focus on your game's essence.
Also nice is how it incorporates a sprite editor, tile map editor, and sound and music editors all in one package. These are things that make developing for newbies easy, because you don't have to struggle setting up the environment. (I still, for the life of me, don't know a babel from a node from a grunt.)
But you've got a tilemap editor, it's super easy in ctjs to paste in graphics, and the API is right there in the goldilocks zone (not too much, not too little.) So I think what you have is exactly what I was looking for, because I wanted to build a game that wasn't as constrained.
lazza don't know a babel from a node from a grunt
I thought it is some proverb but only Babel.js and Grunt builder were in search results. Then I realized it
I too know Gulp.js for building stuff, and never adapted Webpack and/or Babel.js. These are way too complex and complicated, and give little factual control because of their tons of configuration possibilities.
And yep, constraints are not something that ct.js will ever imply. But I understand how seamless the Pico-8 experience is and how it mesmerizes others. Especially when all it gives sense when you're creating retro-like games, which is a style by itself. Can't do it on the same level with a more generic tool. But we will excel in other fields =-=
lazza You shouldn't be envious
I guess it was the thing I wanted to hear the most.
Hey! I'm Zain.
My gamedev journey started when I was 13? 10? I dont remember tbh. It all started with my first pong game in scratch. I remember being so proud of that one lmao.
I make discord bots, minecraft server plugins, and such in my free time. I also am addicted to minecraft.
I think my favorite genre of games are games like Detroit: Become Human, where you control how the story goes and each choice has a concequence.
The meaning of life is 69. Yes, funny number. No, Im not 3, why do you ask?
Hi, I am new. I developed some crappy games just to test my newly acquired skills. Started almost 1 year ago without knowing even the basics of computer science. So I picked JS as a programming language and I focused on web development while also learning the basics of computer science.
I decided to pick JS, because it was advertised as a "simple" programming language. So that's it, I just picked JS for that reason.
I use Phaser 3 and now I am testing the capabilities of CT.js, my goal is to build a small game with NSFW content that I will not post here ( i have read the forum rules). I like CT because it has support for dragonbones which is an essential tool if you want to create decent hentai NSFW animations.
Hi! I am old at life but new at this forum.
My gamedev experience is limited to Twine and Renpy. I have released a few visual novels and interactive stories into the world... But I crave gameplay.
Rpgmaker lets me do rpgs but I have to pay for it by sacrificing my artwork /aesthetic , so I come to ct. Js looking for freedom.
The catch? I apparently have to learn how to code?!
Expect many infuriating newbie questions to show up in the forums from now on.
And of course, the meaning of life is just to looooove/ and beeee loooved /in reee-turn
Hai! I'm SaberTooth Studios/SaberTooth Studios Games, but you can just call me Saber for short!
I first started making games when I was 8, using a drag and drop game engine called "scratch", then when I turned 10, I found "gdevelop", a more powerful game engine that runs on javascript, with a visual programming langage, and the ability to use javascript isntead of their visual programming langage, and I used that for many many years, but now I'm searching for a even more powerful game engine thats not too complex/hard to understand like unity or unreal, and I found ct.js, so now I'm here!
I know a tiny bit of C, C++, and C#, I'm very good at HTML, PHP, and CSS, and my favorite language is JavaScript!
I'm also pretty good at 2D digital art (mostly simplistic/shape-y art, pixel art, and sometimes hollow-knight style art)
I'm also kinda (not really) good at making music
My favorite game genres to make art metroidvania, dungeon crawlers, rpgs, platformers, and point-and-click games (I made LOTS of point and click games when I was little)
idk what the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything is, I haven't been alive for long enough to know. Google says its 42, but you can't trust google all the time.
Anyway bye!
Hi all, I am probably the oldest person that ever walked on this forum - my first computer was a Sinclair ZX81 (with a glorious 1Kilobyte of RAM) - and I was hooked into computers, gaming and teaching. I still remember playing Atari, Intellivision and the fabled Odyssey - all consoles that gave me a head start on the -then new- world of gaming. I still play those -thanks to emulators. Stories and worlds appeal to me more than mindlessly hurling grenades -a honourable exception would be dramas like the 'The Last of Us' or apocalyptic dystopia like Fallout N.V.
Life has been good to me and I am in the fortunate position where I am semi-retired, and have a passion for code and education. I have lived in several countries and have lived in S.E. Asia for the last 12 years, after another 12 years living in Australia.
My job is my hobby and my hobbies are my job.
I have been searching for a new gaming engine to test prototypes for social education in STEM - I think CT.JS is a winner and I am grateful to the developer(s) - I think it's a great product.
Hi, I'm a musician and a newbie gamedev, got interested in programming thanks to Interactive Fiction. First I learned the basics of LUA and made a couple of games in the russian-speaking IF community.
Now I'm making a 2d quest platformer in Godot, but I liked the Pixi.js and then discovered ct.js, so I'm thinking of reassembling the game in it, instead of Godot (cuz I want lightweight web-running in HTML5).
I'm writing music on my own and also perform with my wife in our band Marmelonica.
I am a makerspace manager and electronic/chiptune musician who has always wanted to learn game development. Have dabbled mildly in Godot and RPG Maker but am interested in programming. I like how this engine is set up.
I am making a horror game inspired by Clock Tower and want to make strange RPGs that feel more like Twin Peaks than a fantasy inventory collection. Nice to meet you all.
Grand-father old hobbyist.
Drawn comics since way back. Got into game programing when my youngest son wanted to learn making games. He was at the time playing a lot of MapleStory and GameBoy. Got him a Click and Play program. I got stuck. He did not (but is working in hardware development these days).
So I draw, animate, program and as of recently compose music (sort of). I can make simple 3d models.
I enjoy adventure type games. Mostly do point and click adventure/puzzle games.
The meaning of life is to leave the place in a better shape than when you got there.
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I have started to learn seriously the last year, then i chose the Full-Stack Path with React.js
now while im looking for job i would like to develop a game as a side project, still tons to learn want it to be MMORPG but cant waith to get a job with crossed arms
my Favorite game is OSRS
my blog and portfolio (when finish and deploy it)
Hi mates, I'm new here just another indie game developer.
I hope i can do some pretty basic platformer game with ctjs.
Welcome, UlisesFreitas!