Well, I have not sure about the name of the game, but for now I will name it 'The Templar's Labyrinth'.
This is a short game I've started to learn ct.js and to remember my old an rusty javascript.
It's loosely based on and old Amstrad CPC game, 'Oh Mummy'.
My initial concept was a shorter and simpler game, but you know, once you start a project, ideas come to your mind and start to add things. The game has randomized labyrinths, traps and treasures, and the goal is to find the 'baphomets' to open the exit to the next level.
Below is a YouTube little video on the actual state of the game, and my plan is to release it for free at Itch.io when finished.
Hope you like it!


P.D: I put more updates on my Twitter, in case you are interested.

    Looks neat and promising!

    I like the old school vibe.

    Congratz! : )

      10 days later

      Can't launch with Firefox. Works with Chrome. The errors are

        But otherwise, nice work technically. Gameplay-wise there is little agency here, and traps can be covered by arcs and re hard to see. Mobs can block passages and sometimes the only way to escape is to tank their hits and squeeze through.

          Strange bug, I'm using Firefox and it works well...
          Yeah, the game could be more polished, but I think I've added a lot more things than I thought initially , as my idea was a smaller and simpler game to learn ct.js. Now I feel that I have to stop adding and polishing things, and start another project...

            4 years later
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