I thought it was a great idea to extend ct.js, like using base classes as wrappers over PIXI,
export default class PixiButton extends PIXI.UI.Button
or incapsulate these classes
export default class PixiButton extends PIXI.Container {
button: PIXI.UI.Button;
Create thus a modular template, a game object as in unity and other engines. It seems logical to me to delegate the development of such elements to PIXI, especially since there are already ready supported solutions, going this way you won't have to rework existing classes from time to time when migrating to a new version of PIXI, you can save your time and develop your own cool features.
Right now I see ct.js as a visual editor over PIXI, and that's cool, so why limit it to that? I think ct.js is more for graphic designers and hobbyists. So I think it's important to support different web formats, xml picture, gif, svg and others, it would also be cool to add the ability to work with templates using styles like CSS, I understand that they don't work inside canvas, but I've come across libraries that implement this kind of functionality, not sure if there are ready-made solutions for PIXI.
Support for add-on formats will not only allow us to use them at the development stage, but will also allow us to load them dynamically using PIXI.Assets, we can create a lot of endless cool mini-games with this.
just look at this.
this is a really cool feature that beginners and designers will like.