
First a tip: I'm creating my levels procedurally, creating a tile map in the 'on create' event, but when enabling the collisions, I've detected that the recently created tiles aren't taken into account.

So I've found a solution, just enabling the collisions a bit later with this code:

setTimeout(function(){ ct.place.enableTilemapCollisions(tilesMap,'Solid'); }, 100);

This may be useful for you.

And now the question:

What's the difference between using 'cacheAsBitmap' vs 'cache' with a tileset map?

ArsCreativa And now the question:

What's the difference between using 'cacheAsBitmap' vs 'cache' with a tileset map?

  • tilemap.cacheAsBitmap is the default pixi.js' caching algorithm that treats the whole tile layer as a whole. It should not be used, because…
  • tilemap.cache and tilemap.cacheDiamond additionally break a tile layer into chunks, so that it doesn't have issues with texture size in video memory (which is vital for mobile devices).
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