Hi all, I am probably the oldest person that ever walked on this forum - my first computer was a Sinclair ZX81 (with a glorious 1Kilobyte of RAM) - and I was hooked into computers, gaming and teaching. I still remember playing Atari, Intellivision and the fabled Odyssey - all consoles that gave me a head start on the -then new- world of gaming. I still play those -thanks to emulators. Stories and worlds appeal to me more than mindlessly hurling grenades -a honourable exception would be dramas like the 'The Last of Us' or apocalyptic dystopia like Fallout N.V.
Life has been good to me and I am in the fortunate position where I am semi-retired, and have a passion for code and education. I have lived in several countries and have lived in S.E. Asia for the last 12 years, after another 12 years living in Australia.
My job is my hobby and my hobbies are my job.
I have been searching for a new gaming engine to test prototypes for social education in STEM - I think CT.JS is a winner and I am grateful to the developer(s) - I think it's a great product.